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The Proclaimer 
           -August 2021-

Homecoming Parade Float Celebrates 160 Years of Ministry in Wauseon

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On this glorious July Homecoming morning, our congregation presented this beautiful float celebrating our current and past outreach to our Wauseon Community. The float featured kites and bicylces representing the annual Kite Fest outreach held on Pentecost each year at Homecoming Park, and our latest outreach, The Wauseon Bicycle Club, designed to reach all age groups.

Current church board members and friends of the newly-formed club followed the float. The parade route was filled by enthusiastic spectators who received information packed distributed by board members who walked along with the bicycle riders. 

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The  Wauseon Bicycle Club provided free decorations at the Wauseon Farmers' Market for kids who planned to enter their bicycles in the Kiddie Parade. Shown here are two of the entries that rode behind the Wauseon Bicycle Club banner at the Thursday evening parade.

Gospel Stage Concert On Homecoming's Final Night

The weather was perfect. The stage was a quick reset from the float, placed in the middle of West Elm Street directly beside the church building. The entertainment was provided by Philip Kolb, who shared an incredible hour of music, including his amazing talent at the piano, and songs that he has written.  He drove in from his home in Hagerstown, Indiana for the concert. The guests enjoyed hearing the "Good News" as they gathered in their lawn chairs or took advantage of the wooden folding chairs provided by the church. What a blessing to host the Gospel Stage a the Wauseon Homecoming  as part of our church's 160th Celebration!  Listen to some samples below.

Bicycle Club Organizational Planning Picnic Planned for Sunday, August 22nd at Homecoming Park

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Our bicycle outreach is just getting started. So far, members of the Wauseon Bicycle Club have hosted Kevin Cordle from Black Swamp Spoke and Pedal for bicycle tune-ups at the Wauseon Farmers' Market, provided decorations for bicycles at for the Homecoming parade, appeared in the Homecoming Parade, and supported the Stop Soldier Suicide fundraising efforts. On Sunday evening, the church will provide the picnic featuring grilled hamburgs. Current and future members will gather in the open portion of the pavilion at Homecoming Park. The planning session will begin after the picnic scheduled for 6:00 pm. 

Annual Church In The Woods Worship Service and Picnic Scheduled for August 29th at Rotary Park

"Church In The Woods" returns to Rotary Park this year on August 29th at 11:00 am. This annual tradition began at the Darby's woods many years ago. For many years the church held the service and picnic at the Fulton County Fairgrounds or at Reighard Park. The church will be providing the burgers, buns, plates and utensils. Please bring a friend to the outdoor meeting with a side dish or dessert. In case of rain, the shelter house will host both the service and the picnic.

Preparations for 160th Celebration / Rally and Reaffirmation Sunday, September 19th

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We are organizing a celebration! It seems impossible that ten years have passed since our last celebration.  We have so much to be thankful for as we plan together for this time of remembrance and vision sharing. Please contact Pastor Kerr with your ideas concerning the potential for this gathering. So far the board has discussed a space for reaffirmation of membership during the service of worship, and perhaps a luncheon to follow the service. We are looking for letters from our family and friends, near and far, to be shared as part of the memory book for this great celebration. Please send your letters to P.O. Box 172, Wauseon, OH 43567 or send a g-mail to We are looking for stories about our former and current members as well as your memories of the life we have shared together as members and friends of the Wauseon Congregational United Church of Christ.

New Legacy Project Men's Quartet  Concert Planned for Saturday, October 2nd at 7:00 pm

The New Legacy Project is from Nashville. They are planning to share a concert of Gospel Music in our sanctuary on October 2nd. The group has asked for a free will offering. The church board is planning a spaghetti dinner as a building fundraiser prior to the concert.
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