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                 Spring / Summer 2024

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IChurch In The Woods

It happens only once a year, but this gathering "in the woods" outside of the confines of our sanctuary is a tradition that our friends and family have cherished for generations. The first "Church In The Woods" was at the Darby Farm. As years passed by, the gathering has met at the Fulton County Fairgrounds, at Reighard Park, and at Rotary Park.  Our members enjoy the beauty of God's creation while they sing hymns and enjoy scripure and a lesson. Following the worship, everyone contributes their family favorites to a potluck that follows. 

Northside Neighbors Outreach

The Northside Neighbors Outreach was a first-time ever event for our chuch. The setting for our outreach was North Park, located just one block from the church. The afternoon of activities was an outgrowth of "Kids Klub" that was also established as a new outreach this year. Members of the church provided food, games, a DJ and activities for our guests from the neighborhood. We met so many new families as we enjoyed the company of our northside neighbors. Unfortunately our afternoon together was cut short by a heavy rain that soaked everyone.  We look forward to making this outreach an annual event. So many young families live within walking distance of our church building.

"Kids Klub"

What fun we had this year with this new outreach!

Children from our church gathered once a month for activities that were planned by the church board just for them! The children enjoyed a Valentine party, a St. Patrick's Day party, a kite making party for the Kite Fest, and a "Gone Fishing" party at Blue Skies Orchard. Family members supported their children as they participated in the games, and creating crafts.  Food was provided for each gathering.  We are looking forward to including this family-oriented event to our outreach next year. 

Strawberrry Shortcake Sale

The date for this sale depends on when the local strawberries are ready for harvest. The Women's Fellowship organizes the entire event. The "Drive Thru" event allows the women to greet one car or truck at a time and share the fresh baked shortcake covered with the freshly cut strawberries. Whipped cream is optional. The women apply the proceeds for the sale to help to pay off the Cornerstone Loan that was taken out to pay for the exterior repair our church building. The strawberry shortcake sale became a drive- thru event during the season of the Covid pandemic. The women enjoy the baking and preparation of the strawberries as well as greeting our friends from the community who support this annual event.

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Family Kite Fest 2024

The Family Kite fest is presented at Wauseon's Homecoming Park on a Sunday that is closest to the church's celebration of Pentecost. The Christian Education committee organizes this annual event that brings families from the community to enjoy an afternoon of fun. The Homecoming Hill is the central focus for the kites that fly above the park. The church provided kite kits for local children who do no bring their personal kites to the event. Hot dogs, chips. lemonade and cookies are shared by church members. Crafts are also provided as guests create t-shirts with the fruits of the spirit, and add chalk drawings with a fruit of the spirit theme to the cement at the Homecoming Pavillion.


Our congregation rejoices when any member requests to be baptized. Some new members prefer to be completely immersed as they experience the blessing of baptism. With the help of Pastor Maryann Reimund, our congregation provided an outdoor baptism option for Tammy Hall. We gathered for a  worship serve led by Rev. Norm Wasson at the Blue Skies Orchard pavillion. Following the baptism service, family, guests and friends enjoyed grilled burgers and side dishes prepared by the congregation.  Tammy not only was baptized, but she affirmed her commitment to the ministry of the church as a new member.

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